What happens if a hermit crab crawls into an empty water bottle? Hermit crabs need a big sandy space in order for them to live their life naturally. In order to molt and grow, they need to be able to bury themselves in damp, moist sand. They also need to be in a surrounding where they can be able to renew shells when they are done molting. When a hermit crab ends up stuck in a water bottle without any food, he then grows out of the shell he once had when he climbed into littered piece of plastic. He has to abandon his shell in order to avoid being cooked alive inside the plastic bottle. There is now vulnerable, hungry, naked hermit crab trying to find its way out of YOUR trash. They are unable to climb out of the water bottle and so they don’t molt or grow. They just helplessly sit in an enclosed wall of plastic and slowly die. That wall of plastic they are trapped in are basically ovens that these tiny creatures are getting baked in. They starve and/or get roasted alive, overtime. It’s not just one hermit crab that gets stuck in that plastic water bottle. It’s multiple. Some might have crawled into the water bottle because they saw shells that might fit them when they need to renew their shells. Some might have fallen into the bottle by accident.
It doesn’t really matter how these crabs got into the water bottles. What matters is that pollution has turned into a habit. A habit that seems impossible to get rid of.. These creatures can’t do anything about the things, we humans do. Only we can. They don’t know that they are crawling into their deaths. Those plastic water bottles, end up as graves for hermit crabs.
The Marine Bio class collected one thousand, three hundred, sixty four plastic water bottles. Imagine how many hermit crabs had died in these water bottles? Who knows how many hermit crabs die a year due to the habit of pollution that we humans have adapted into our daily lives. Break the habit of pollution TODAY!