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Ocean issues


Most people don’t realize how the ocean is connected to us humans. It’s an energy source for not only animals and other natural environments but also for humans. The ocean provides food, oxygen, and also absorbs the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce the climate change impacts. The salt in the ocean also has many health benefits on the human body as it enhances the immune system, boost circulation, and also hydrates the skin . It also relaxes the muscles helping to prevent insomnia ( It helps make the world a much more pleasing place to live in. The ocean is connected to humans and no matter how far you’re away from it, it always has its way to lure you back to it.

The ocean is a powerful energy source that enables humans to disconnect with the modern life. It helps calm yourself and be more relaxed and not have to worry about things in life. But, it won’t be like this if we keep treating it like a garbage can. The ocean is facing terrible threats that can lead to there not being an ocean anymore. Oil spills, ocean pollution, coral bleaching, etc. The ocean will be no more if we keep trashing it the way we’re trashing it now. We need to take better care of our oceans before it is too late. If the ocean dies, the land dies with it.

The issue that I’ve been looking into and studying about is overfishing and how it is affecting the ocean without us even knowing. The damage done by overfishing goes beyond the marine environment. Billions of people rely on fish for protein, and fishing is the principal livelihood for millions of people around the world. If we were to see how fish today compares with fish from a decade ago, you’ll see how the difference isn’t trying to just peek out for you to see, it completely shows.

If overfishing were to continue, many of the marine life will start to become extinct. If most of the marine animals become extinct, then you know that our marine food source would become scarce. We might even think about fishing in hope spots which are special places that are critical to the health of the ocean. They are areas that are designated by the government to tell other people/fishermen not to fish there. So it’s like a safe house for marine animals. If overfishing continues, “hope spots” may be places where “hope stops”.


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